Brazil and okra

March 01, 2021

Quiabo - Food Safaris - Viagem e Gastronomia
Okra – Food Safaris – Bahia Food

By Magda Eva Soares de Faria Wehrmann, about travel story.

My first travel experience alone was in Brazil. I left Goiânia for a tour that would start in Manaus, which happened without any major fright.
The next stage would take place in the Northeast. First stop, São Luís, where I was received by a very welcoming family.
Amid misunderstandings with the family’s home, which had no electric shower, I had commented in my first bath that the shower in my room was burned … Someone from the house left right away and bought the shower before my afternoon bath.
With this embarrassment I promised not to disturb such a special family!

On Sunday I was invited to lunch at a restaurant renowned for its typical dishes. I was very happy because I love fish and seafood.

As I am from Goiás, I should like okra. But my father made us chicken with okra, angu and beans, which he delighted in sipping that mixture “babenta” with a spoon, making a noise that left the children of the house without appetite.

I was taken to eat caruru thinking I was going to eat seafood! The okra grew in my mouth and I couldn’t swallow it, until someone noticed and then I made my choice: eat quickly to end that martyrdom.
When they noticed my greed they replaced my plate …

This is my travel story. Do you like okra?

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